- What is the book sale raising money for?
Book Fair proceeds go to enhance health care in the Northfield area. The sale is sponsored by the Northfield Hospital Auxiliary, a 501c3 non-profit whose activities include health education scholarships, funding for local health organizations, and special project support for Northfield Hospital + Clinics. Learn more…
- Do you accept credit cards?
We accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards.
- How are items priced?
We have a base price of $1 for paperbacks and $2 for hardcover books. Many books you find will be unmarked and sold at those prices. Nicer, new, or rare books may be marked up a few more dollars, but most are under $10. Most games and puzzles are around $5. Other base prices (subject to mark up):
Children’s Board Books: $1
DVDs: $3
Music CDs: $2
Books on CD: $1 per disc
Single LPs or 45s: $1
LP box sets: $2 - What happens to books that aren’t sold?
On the last day of our sale, we have a $5 bag sale in the morning and then all remaining items are free for the last several hours. Any books that no one wants for free (a tiny fraction of what we start with) are recycled sustainably so that they don’t enter the landfill. If you are connected with an organization that can put free books to good use, we encourage you to take advantage of our “free sale.” We don’t have enough volunteers to pack or haul books for you, but we’ll provide whatever help we can.
- Can I donate my books before the April donation window?
If you can hold your books until April, that’s the best option. We do have a very limited amount of storage space that we maintain for large donations that can’t wait — e.g. estates being cleaned out, people downsizing and leaving the area. Contact us for more information.
- How does opening night work?
Our sale opens to everyone on Tuesday, April 23, at 5pm. There is no pre-sale or opening night admission charge. Only volunteers are allowed in the Arena before that time.
Shoppers often begin lining up by mid-morning that day. We don’t use a numbering system; if you want to keep your place in line you’ll need to remain on site or work out a deal with the people around you in line. The line is typically a friendly, social scene.
Arriving early only gives a minor advantage, however. Because of the size of our sales floor, everyone in line is usually shopping within 5 minutes after the doors open, so you can show up at 5:10 and walk right in.
- Do you have any special rules for book dealers?
We allow the use of barcode scanners, but we ask that you be respectful of other shoppers and our volunteers, who have worked many hours to organize books for display. Disorganizing books while scanning or removing quantities of books from their subject areas for later review are not permitted. We have an area near the checkout where you can store books you intend to buy while you continue to shop.